Re: Three simple questions

"Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]" <>
Sun, 2 Sep 2007 16:47:17 -0700
Alex Blekhman wrote:

"Lorry Astra" wrote:

3. Third question
Code sample1:
using namespace std;
struct X;
struct Y {
void f(X*);
Code sample2:
using namespace std;
struct X;
struct Y {
void f(X);
I think "1" is right but "2" is wrong, because in "2", I
just can find a
declaration of "struct X" instead of a definition about
"struct X". I think
during the runtime, if function "f" takes an object
parameter( f(X) ) instead
of a pointer ( f(X*) ), C++ should know the size of
"struct X" definitely. So
I think this code sample should be right:
Code sample:
using namespace std;
struct X
Int I;
struct Y {
void f(X);

You're correct about this one.

Actually, they're both fine. The thing you can't do is this:

using namespace std;
struct X;
struct Y {
void f(X) { }

As long as Y::f(X) is only a declaration and not a defintion, then it's not
necessary to have the complete definition of X at that point..


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