Re: error C2244: 'MyAnn::backPropgration' : unable to match function definition to an existing declaration
What you mean by 'typename = std::allocator<ELEM>' ?
<> wrote in message
./cs461/c++/cppdef/backproagation.cpp(188) : error C2244:
'MyAnn::backPropgration' : unable to match function definition to an
existing declaration
c:\cpw\msvc\cs461\c++\cppdef\../backpropagation.hpp(20) : see
declaration of 'MyAnn::backPropgration
inside backpropagation.hpp
namespace MyAnn
template <typename T,
template <typename ELEM, typename = std::allocator<ELEM> >
class CONT
extern CONT<CONT<T> > backPropgration(
const typename multiLayerExample<T, CONT>::mapInOut& examples,
const T& rate,
const typename CONT<T>::size_type& nIn,
const typename CONT<T>::size_type& nOut,
const typename CONT<T>::size_type& nHidden
inside backproagation.cpp
template <typename T,
template <typename ELEM, typename = std::allocator<ELEM> >
class CONT
CONT<CONT<T> > MyAnn::backPropgration(
const typename multiLayerExample<T, CONT>::mapInOut& examples,
const T& rate,
const typename CONT<T>::size_type& nIn,
const typename CONT<T>::size_type& nOut,
const typename CONT<T>::size_type& nHidden