RE: vs 8 bug ?

Ulrich Eckhardt <>
Tue, 16 Oct 2007 15:38:01 +0200
gordon wrote:

3) A quick review of the additional code posted in response to Ben's
request indicates that upon return from the call to "pApuUpdateHWclock"
the stack pointer is indeed restored to its pre-call value ... but, then
on the next call to function "_pApuFubar" the stack is not restored to its
pre-call value ...

4) Now, "_pApuFubar" is simply an alias for the same call to
"pApuUpdateHWclock" ... another name declared which executes the same call

5) the only difference between these two calls is the "_asm nop" present
after the first call to "pApuUpdateHWclock" ...

I'm not convinced yet. Have you considered what Alexander Grigoriev said?
Your code looked like this:

| __declspec( dllexport ) void APU_UpdateHWclock(double);
| // declared in the calling module
| typedef void (__cdecl *APU_UPDATE_HWCLOCK_FUNC)(double dT);

In one case, the __cdecl is present while in the declaration of
APU_UpdateHWclock() it isn't. Fix this first. If it doesn't help, create a
minimal example so we can try to reproduce it on our machines.

BTW: you can create function typedefs:

  namespace apu {
    typedef void __cdecl update_hwclock_function(double);

which have the same syntax as a declaration but prefixed with 'typedef' and
then create function pointers that look like pointers:

  apu::update_hwclock_function* uhc = &APU_UpdateHWclock;

This doesn't change the technical side of this issue, but it makes things a
bit more readable. Just wanted to mention it.

6) finally, this is a very straight forward sequence of function calls,
nothing "tricky" going on at all ...

If you f*** up a function pointer cast you are in trouble. Getting it right
without any compiler-enforceable guide IMHO qualifies as "tricky".


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