Re: auto_ptr array

"Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]" <rbv@nospam.nospam>
Thu, 3 Apr 2008 10:10:00 -0500
George wrote:

Thanks Ben,

puts(), for example, needs a native array.

std::vector<char> myCharacterVector;
puts(&myCharacterVector[0]); // works

This won't work with your array of auto_ptrs.

auto_ptr<char> myAutoptrs[20];
puts(myAutoptrs[0].get()); // fails

Fail I think you mean runtime error other than compile error. I have
written some code to verify.

How do you think why the heap is corrupted?

I didn't say the heap would be corrupted. I said it would fail. That is,
it would not do what was intended.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory>

using namespace std;

int main( void )
auto_ptr<char> myAutoptrs [2];

char* p1 = new char;
char* p2 = new char;

memcpy (p1, "a", 3);

This line will corrupt the heap because you try to write three bytes into a
buffer which is only one byte.

memcpy (p2, "b", 3);

And again.

myAutoptrs [0].reset (p1);

myAutoptrs [1].reset (p2);

Every string needs to end in a NUL character, make sure to include the

puts (myAutoptrs[0].get()); // output a followed by heap corruption

Fix the above items and then we can talk about why this line won't work.

return 0;


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