Re: problem with pipes IPC

"David Ching" <>
Wed, 25 Feb 2009 14:19:55 -0800
"Joseph M. Newcomer" <> wrote in message

Unfortunately, pipes don't work that way. Named pipes are by definition
always global and
visible to everyone who has access to the machine (whether or not remote
users can connect
is based on the security set, but that's a different issue). So you can't
create a "local
pipe" because the name is inherently global.

Mutexes exist in the local session namespace, and that is a completely
mechanism, not shared with named pipes.

With other objects like file mapping and mutex, if the name starts with
"Global\" it is visible across terminal sessions (as used with Fast User
Switch). Are you saying pipes, even those whose names don't start with
"Global\", are visible across terminal sessions already? I don't know named
pipes very well but would be surprised that they had a different behavior
than other objects such as file mapping and mutex.


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