Re: Mouse action not detect @ all.

4 Jun 2006 19:30:23 -0700
Joseph M. Newcomer wrote:

I missed that part where you are creating an instance of "STATIC". This is a Really Bad
Idea, because you get a lot of CStatic semantics. Once you've declared the parent to be
of type CWnd, it is very risky to use any built-in window type as your child class. As
pointed out, SS_NOTIFY is essential, but I think the real error here is specifying a class
at all. Just leave that as NULL and MFC will "invent" a class for you.

On Fri, 2 Jun 2006 06:48:23 -0500, "Jeff Partch [MVP]" <> wrote:

<> wrote in message

So at class CTester, I have the following code for the create method
that calls the create method of the parent class:

void GLViewer::Create(int x, int y, int w, int h, void *father)
//should passin parameter
  if(m_created==0) {

        (CWnd *) father,0)) {
CDC *m_pDC = this->GetDC();

But not sure as to why I cant access the mouse action... any clues??

Try giving it the SS_NOTIFY style as well, or intercepting WM_NCHITTEST -- I
believe that without this style and left to their own message handling,
static controls return HTTRANSPARENT in response.

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
MVP Tips:

thanks guys... it works after puting the SS_NOTIFY... cheers

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