Re: transparent png over an bitmap - use in a button

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Wed, 30 Jan 2008 15:53:46 GMT
It was kinda hard to read the while loop and the if statments because there
were no brackets, but after I got it parsed out, I noticed that your if
statment uses the assignment operator instead of ==, and honestly I don't
see the point of the loop. You are going to go back until the parent
doesn't have a WS_CHILD flag? Why, what if the dialog that is the parent of
the button is a child of another dialog.
Also not sure what you are doing with the rectangles.

I think this should be enough:
   CRect Rect;

But after all of that if you call the parent windows InvalidateRect from
within a WM_PAINT or WM_ERASEBKGND you will end up with an infinate loop.

Checkout Codeproject for some examples on how to do transparent buttons.


"fiversen" <> wrote in message


I draw a transparent png-file above an bitmap background and
it works very good.
I see a small figure above a structured bitmap.

//background - bitmap
CDC dcMemory;

// Select the bitmap into the in-memory DC
CBitmap* pOldBitmap = dcMemory.SelectObject(bgBit);

int nX = 0;
int nY = 0;

pDC->BitBlt(nX, nY, bmpInfo.bmWidth, bmpInfo.bmHeight, &dcMemory,
                   0, 0, SRCCOPY);


// foreground bitmap
Gdiplus::Graphics _g(pDC->GetSafeHdc());
Gdiplus::PointF _p(400,10);
_g.DrawImage(imgEx, _p);

I want to use this feature also in a button.
I have two png-files - up-state and down-state -
and I want to display them.

The MyGdiBut::DrawItem function works well,
it display the png-files in the different states.

I have already a function, which erase the background.

void MyGdiBut::InvalidateBkg()
   RECT rbw, rpw, rbc, r3;
   CWnd *w1 = GetParent(), *w2 = GetParent();

   while (1)
if (w1 = w1->GetParent())
    if (w1->GetStyle() & WS_CHILD)
w2 = w1;

   r3.left = rbw.left - rpw.left; = -;
   r3.right = r3.left + (rbc.right - rbc.left);
   r3.bottom = + (rbc.bottom -;

My problems are
- the button is not transparent
- if I call InvalidateBkg()
 in 'OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)' or
 in 'void MyGdiBut::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDIS)'
 the repainting never stops.

Thanks for help.
Frank Iversen

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