Re: how to set Static's size

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Thu, 30 Oct 2008 11:00:57 -0500
If you want to find the size of the text that you are assigning to the
static control then you will need to use CDC::GetTextExtent to get that
information. The way it will work is that it will calculate the width and
height of a text based on the font that is currently selected in the DC.
So you will have to get the font that the static control is using and select
it into the cdc before the call to GetTextExtent.
The default font of the static control is the font of the dialog box.
That should answer your two questions.
Now for the code that you have posted, you don't need to use a pointer to a
CStatic, you can simply use an instance. Also you don't have to use
GetDlgItemText you can simply ask CStatic to give its text using

 class CMyDlg: public CDialog
    CStatic m_Static;

CSize CMyDlg::GetTextSize(CString text, CFont *pFont)
    CDC *pDC = GetDC();
    CFont *pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject*pFont);
    CSize Size = pDC->GetTextExtent(text);

    return Size;

 void CMyDlg::CreateControl()
    CString csStatic = "some text";
    //it doesn't matter what we set the size to, we will change the size
after the control is created
    CRect rcStatic(1, 1, 1, 1);

    m_Static.Create("", WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|WS_BORDER, rcStatic, this,

    CSize textSize = GetTextSize(csStatic,m_Static.GetFont());



"ou" <> wrote in message

Env: WindowsXP, VC++6.00

I make a static by code as follows,

class CMyDlg: public CDialog
   CStatic *m_pStatic;

void CMyDlg::CreateControl()
   CString csStatic = "some text";
   CRect rcStatic;
   int cxStatic;
   int cyStatic;

   //I don't know how to set up cxStatic and cyStatic, according to
csStatic here?
   rcStatic.SetRect(1, 1, 1+cxStatic, 1+cyStatic);

   m_pStatic = new CStatic;
   m_pStatic->Create("", WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|WS_BORDER, rcStatic, this,
   SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC1, csStatic);

I just don't know how to set up cxStatic and cyStatic above according to

I also wonder which font does SetDlgItemText() will use, the default font
of CClientDC? or the default font of CMyDlg?

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