Re: SetPixel not working on Vista

Paul <>
Wed, 21 Oct 2009 06:15:02 -0700 (PDT)
On Oct 20, 10:46 am, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:

See below...

On Tue, 20 Oct 2009 09:09:44 -0700 (PDT), Paul <> wr=



SetPixel on Vista is acting strange. Certain areas it cannot draw on.
If I draw the entire window, then we can see the areas it can draw to,
which is vertical areas/bars that are a few hundred pixels wide. The
code works fine on my XP PC. So I thought there might be some window
app behind it preventing it from drawing in certain areas, but found
nothing. Changing the desktop to a solid color did nothing. Any ideas
what could be causing this? Here's the code,

void CTest1View::OnPaint()
   CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
   long x,y;
   for(y=0; y < 1024; y++) {
           for(x=0; x < 1024; x++) {

I gather this is a test case to show the problem. This would be less t=

han ideal in

practice. (besides, 0xff is not a color value; you should use the RGB =

macro). But in any

case, I just ran this on Vista and got a solid rectangle.

and another example,

void CTest2View::OnPaint()
   CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
   long x,y;

This code is erroneous. You already have a PAINTSTRUCT which has been =

set, and the second

BeginPaint is nonsensical. What do you think CPaintDC is doing?
****> for(y=0; y < 1024; y++) {

           for(x=0; x < 1024; x++) {

Of course, since the BeginPaint is wrong, the EndPaint is also wrong.

Also I tried dc,
int save = dc.SaveDC(); // place this near start of code
dc.RestoreDC(save); // place this near end of code


Also I tried calling OnDraw the common way within OnPaint-- same

Actually, you should not be doing any drawing in the OnPaint of a view; y=

ou should be

doing it exclusively in the OnDraw.

I've tried everything I know. Change the window size. Regardless, the
above code always draws vertical bars that are black, white, black,
white, about ~ 200 pixels per bar.

There's something missing in your description, because I was able to use =

the code you

wrote and I get a solid rectangle (I used RGB(255, 0, 0) and got a solid =

red rectangle)


Thanks for any suggestions.

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
MVP Tips:

As the other guy stated, it occurs in certain Vista packages, and only
when in certain theme modes.


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