Re: Overriding MFC Member Functions in VS2005

"Tom Serface" <>
Tue, 13 Jun 2006 17:43:33 -0700
If you are doing a dialog you can click on the "Messages" button (on the
Properties tab) when the dialog is open to display the messages you can
override. If you are doing a view you would use the ClassView screen for
the view object and click on the same button in the properties window when
the view code is open. Alternatively, you can display the "Properties" from
the right click menu.


"saywhat" <> wrote in message news:7%Gjg.19$FU5.1@fe03.lga...

I appreciate the rants and raves - I agree with each one. Remember when
you were a kid and didn't want to eat your vegetables? "You'll eat it and
you'll LIKE it", said my mom. A similar attitude pervades at MS. It goes
back to windows 3.0 and earlier. Am I old or what?

Anyway, I'd also appreciate it if one of you gurus could tell me how to
override the OnSize and OnPaint functions in my view class so I can add
some code - do I type them in by hand, using the argument list provided in
the "class view"? Please help me with this.


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