Re: CDC:TextOut and Plus or Minus Sign
worked fine when I tested it this way
void CDrawingTestView::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
CString Text;
What is the font selected into the DC?
"PeterOut" <> wrote in message
I am using MSVC 7.1.3088 on MS XP 5.1 service pack 2.
I am trying to write the plaus or misu sign to a display window using
CDC:TextOut. I can write the symbol to a character buffer using
sprintf(csText, "%s (%c%f %s)", csLabel, 177, fError, csUnits);
which gives me
"Elevation (?7.926902 Meters)" in csText.
However, when I try to write it to the window using
TextOut(DeviceContext, (int)(pWindowPoint.x), (int)(pWindowPoint.y),
(LPCTSTR)csText, (int)stStringlength);
I get a rectangle where the ? (plus or minus) sign should be.
Is there a way I can write the PM sign to the window? I would like my
text to run vertically.
Many thanks in advance,