Re: using CClientDC::BitBlt() to capture only the client window

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Wed, 18 Feb 2009 14:02:02 -0600
I can't give you much detail unless you tell us what your application is
supposed to do.

There are generally 2 types of paint programs, ones that simply draw, like
microsoft paint, and others where the user can add objects on the screen and
later change the object independently of other things on the image, drawing
programs like freehand.
Depending on which type you have the approach is bit different.

In the first case where you don't want to keep track of the objects, you
would simply keep a bitmap and a memory dc in your view class, and as you
detect mouse movement that would manipulate the image you make the changes
to the memory dc with the bitmap selected in it.
And in the OnPaint method of your view, you would simply bitblt the content
of the memorydc on the window dc.

In the second case your application would simply keep track of the things
that the user has done on the screen, with a list of objects that represent
the things that have been done. And in the OnPaint of the view you would
iterate the list of actions and draw them on the screen (double buffering of


"nexolite" <> wrote in message

Thanks ,Can u explain a bit more how can I keep a Bitmap?

"AliR (VC++ MVP)" wrote:

Try this;

 *To Capture the scrren*
 CClientDC dcMemory;
 CRect rect;
 CClientDC dc(this);
    //copy from screen dc to memory dc, so the source dc has to be the
client dc.

//note that rect.left, and top will always be zero. And the source x and
yare independent of the destination x and y. *To display the screen back*
CClientDC dc(this); CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect);
you are doing a drawing program much like paint, why are you
bitbltingfrom the screen?You should be keeping a memory dc and bitmap
which you do all of thedrawings on and only bitblting that to the
screen!AliR."nexolite" <> wrote in> Hi,>
I am trying to create a application similar to MS paint , so I am using>
BitBlt() to capture the drawing area that is the window of my
application,I> did the following:>> *To Capture the scrren*> CClientDC
dcMemory;> CRect rect;>

*To display the screen back*> CClientDC dc(this);> CRect rect;>
Now what happens is that the complete screen, the screen including the>
portion that is outside my application window gets drawn into
theapplication> window ,so what must be done so that it captures the
screen area of my> application window only?

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