"AliR (VC++ MVP)" <AliR@online.nospam> wrote in message
Do you guys remember the "MFC interview questions" post a few weeks ago?
Well, I'm trying to hire a Jr. programmer to do some C#/Silverlight work
and also help out with the C++/MFC stuff. Therefore OOP understanding is
the most important part for me. (The rest can be taught)
If OO programming is most important to you, why are you asking questions
that use specific C++ terminology and language features? Silverlight uses
C# under the covers and XAML, but yet most of the questions that you pose
deal with specifics of C++ which according to your statement will be just
side work for your programmer.
What do you guys think of these questions? Can you think of some good
questions to judge a persons problem solving skills?
My suggestion? Take Joel's advice: