Re: VC++2008 and vector exception - not caught

Frank S <OldGrouch@community.nospam>
Sat, 19 Jul 2008 19:09:01 -0500
Thank you for the help Alf.

I found that: = 22;

throws an exception as you suggested, and

v[44] = 22;

does not (although in debug builds the error is reported).

Thanks again,


Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* Frank S:

    With some test code similar to that below, I can't seem to catch
the exception that is thrown on the v1[44]... line.

You're not guaranteed that there will be an exception, just Undefined
Behavior (which might do anything or nothing).

What should I check to solve this problem? (I am using a mixture of
MFC and STL.)

As I recall there is, as you imply, a Visual C++ option to get automatic
checking also for operator[] -- if so then it's presumably documented.

However, why don't you instead make that explicit in the code, and write = 22;

Then, for a standard-conforming compiler, you get a std::something
exception derived from std::exception.

    vector<int> v1;
        v1[44] = 22;
    catch(std::exception e)

For efficiency, safety, and not the least not making other programmers
waste time on figuring out "why did he do /that/", consider catching in
the idiomatic way, by reference to const:

  catch( std::exception const& e )


Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf


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