Re: Can Class be Inter-refferenced?

David Wilkinson <>
Sat, 11 Nov 2006 06:57:49 -0500
John Carson wrote:

"Mark Randall" <> wrote in message

"William DePalo [MVP VC++]" wrote:

Hello Everone,
  I am new to cpp, I wonder how can I do something below,
  class ClassA
          ClassA(ClassB aB);
  class ClassB
          ClassB(ClassA aA);

class B;

class ClassA
    ClassA(ClassB& aB);

Note the reference.

Test it and you will see that it also works in the form Will gave.

If we were talking about a member variable of ClassA, then a pointer or
reference to a ClassB object would be needed. When talking about function
parameters, however, a ClassB object itself is acceptable.

Of course, a reference may be preferred on other grounds.

Gotta say, when I saw Will's code I thought it was wrong also, but when
I checked it I found that it worked! I'm so used to using forward
declaration with pointers or references, I guess.

But to the OP: almost certainly you want to pass these constructor
parameters by const reference.

David Wilkinson

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