Re: Template question...

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:34:24 -0500
Ben Voigt wrote:

"Victor Bazarov" <> wrote in message

Andy wrote:

How would I go about making this happen?

   template<int Count> struct ACollectionOfThings {
       typedef char not_allowed[Count > 16];
       not_allowed& foo(); // dummy member

   template<int Count> struct ASmallCollectionOfThings {
       typedef char not_allowed[Count <= 16];
       not_allowed& foo(); // dummy member

This assumes that your compiler forbids arrays of size zero, which
isn't true of all compilers.

Why should anybody concern themselves with non-compliant compilers?

 Better would be:

template<int Count> struct ACollectionOfThings {
   ~ACollectionOfThings() { // or any other member function that gets
       used const bool toosmall = Count < 16;
       switch { case toosmall: case true: break; }

How does that work? Shouldn't there be a parenthesised expression
after the 'switch'? What compiler compiles the code you posted?


   int main()
       ACollectionOfThings<123> c123; // OK
       ACollectionOfThings<10> c10; // causes an error
       ASmallCollectionOfThings<10> sc10; // OK
       ASmallCollectionOfThings<123> sc123; // causes an error
       return 0;

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