Re: help - writing text to a file

"Tom Serface" <>
Thu, 12 Apr 2007 08:56:40 -0700
CStdioFile will work with Unicode if your program is compiled with Unicode.
It won't work with UTF-8 at this point.


"MrAsm" <> wrote in message

On Wed, 11 Apr 2007 20:13:36 -0700, "Tom Serface"
<> wrote:

You could use a CStdioFile to do this easily, not sure about the odd
characters showing though, but CStdioFile works with Unicode so if you're
using that you'll be safe with just about anything.

To me, it seems that CStdioFile is *not* working with Unicode, but
maybe I'm missing something...

I wrote a simple MFC dialog-based app with a list-box.
I put some Unicode strings into the list-box, and then I save them to

Using both OP's method and CStdioFile fail (when you open the file,
the Chinese Unicode characters aren't there).

Instead, I converted the Unicode (Windows UTF-16) to Unicode UTF-8,
and then wrote the UTF-8 buffer to file.
In this way, I can reopen the file with a text editor, and I can see
the Chinese symbols, too.
(BTW: I wrote "Chinese symbols", but I don't know if they are Chinese
or Japanese or something else from Far East :)

Here's the code main code:

void CTestUnicodeTextDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
   // Put some Unicode strings in list
   std::vector<CString> FileData;

   // UTF-16
   WORD chineseChars[] =
   FileData.push_back(CString((LPCWSTR) chineseChars));

   // Show strings
   for ( size_t i = 0; i < FileData.size(); i++ )
       m_List.AddString( );

   // Write strings to file

   // *** FAILS ***
   // ...Just writes ANSI...??
   CStdioFile file(
       CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::typeText
   for( size_t i = 0; i < FileData.size(); i++)
       CString line =;
       line += L"\n";
       file.WriteString( line );

   // Save in UTF-8 format
   FILE * fout = _wfopen( L"test_utf8.txt", L"wb" );
   for( size_t i = 0; i < FileData.size(); i++)
       // Put the new line (\r\n)
       CString line(;
       line += L"\r\n";

       // Convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8
       CW2U utf8String( line );

       // Send byte data to output file
       fwrite( (LPSTR) utf8String, 1, strlen(utf8String), fout );
   fout = NULL;


And here's the CW2U converter:

// Class: CW2UEX
// Descr: Convert from Unicode UTF-16 (WideChars) to Unicode UTF-8
template< int t_nBufferLength = 128 >
class CW2UEX
   CW2UEX( LPCWSTR psz ) throw(...) :
       m_psz( m_szBuffer )
       Init( psz );

   ~CW2UEX() throw()
       if( m_psz != m_szBuffer )
           free( m_psz );

   operator LPSTR() const throw()
       return( m_psz );

   void Init( LPCWSTR psz ) throw(...)
       if (psz == NULL)
           m_psz = NULL;
       int nLengthW = lstrlenW( psz )+1;

       // One Unicode UTF-16 character could be converted
       // up to 4 UTF-8 characters
       int nLengthUtf8 = nLengthW * 4;

       if( nLengthUtf8 > t_nBufferLength )
           m_psz = static_cast< LPSTR >( malloc(
                     nLengthUtf8*sizeof( char ) ) );
           if (m_psz == NULL)
               AtlThrow( E_OUTOFMEMORY );

       if (::WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, psz, nLengthW,
           m_psz, nLengthUtf8, NULL, NULL ) == 0)

   LPSTR m_psz;
   char m_szBuffer[t_nBufferLength];

   CW2UEX( const CW2UEX& ) throw();
   CW2UEX& operator=( const CW2UEX& ) throw();

typedef CW2UEX<> CW2U;



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