Re: LPCTSTR: whats going wrong here?

David Wilkinson <>
Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:09:52 -0400
..rhavin grobert wrote:

i.e. you need something that properly manages your character data (LPCTSTR),
and CString does a good job about that.

for what reason? all stayes inside the same dll. to abstact it:

we have class A with member CString m_scA and an inline method
inline LPCTSTR A::GetA() {return m_scA;};

we have class B : public A with member CString m_scB and an inline
inline LPCTSTR A::GetWhatever(bool fChoose) {
  return ( fChoose ? m_scB : GetA() );
}; GetA() is inline this should equal...

inline LPCTSTR A::GetWhatever(bool fChoose) {
  return ( fChoose ? m_scB : m_scA);

for what reason do i need a ctor/dtor?


Because GetA() returns a LPCTSTR, and the type of your ternary expression is a
CString (determined by m_scB).

If you wrote

inline const CString& A::GetA() const {return m_scA;}

then you would have no copying and I think your code would work.

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

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