Re: class declaration problem

Norbert Unterberg <nunterberg@newsgroups.nospam>
Wed, 11 Jun 2008 20:05:44 +0200
Guido Franzke schrieb:

Hello NG,

I have a problem declaring a class member function using a template array of
same class:

What is your problem? It helps if you tell us what compiler error you get in
what line of code.

#include "TMyArrayClass.h"

class CMyClass
   public: //...
     bool search(const CMyClassArray& all);
typedef TMyArrayClass<CMyClass> CMyClassAray;

TMyArrayClass is a template class.

I tried pointers but no success. Do you know if there is a possibility to
declare my search-function?

My guess is that your porblem has nothing to do with templates but simply with
circular type dependencies?

Then you need a forward declaration:

#include "TMyArrayClass.h"

class CMyClass; // forward declaration to make the class name known

typedef TMyArrayClass<CMyClass> CMyClassAray;

class CMyClass
    public: //...
      bool search(const CMyClassArray& all);

Alternatively, you could declare the search function like this:

 > bool search(const TMyArrayClass<CMyClass>& all);


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