Re: How to change ALL comma in a CEdit into double byte comma?

"Tom Serface" <>
Wed, 11 Jun 2008 23:26:47 -0700
If it were me I'd just use Unicode (CStringW and TCHARS) and use 2 bytes for
each character so you don't have to try to figure it out. Then you could
just assign the new character you want as a character rather than worrying
about bytes. In fact, I think you could just use CString::Replace() to do
what you're trying to do in a single function call. If the original string
is not Unicode you can use MultiByteToWideChar() to convert it.


"Landon" <> wrote in message

Tom, I've got this code developed yesterday:

void FindnReplaceComma( CString& sSrcText )
   /*for( int i = 0; i < sSrcText.GetLength(); i++ ){
       if ( sSrcText[i] == '\n' ){
           sSrcText = sSrcText.Left( i ) + " " + sSrcText.Mid( i + 1 );
   unsigned char* ptr = (unsigned char*)sSrcText.GetBufferSetLength(
sSrcText.GetLength() );
   unsigned short nMbChr;
   char cTmp[3];
   CString sTmp;
   CString sStr( "" );

   while( *ptr ){

       nMbChr = _mbsnextc( ptr );

       cTmp[0] = nMbChr >> 8;
       cTmp[1] = nMbChr & 0xff;
       cTmp[2] = '\0';

       if( cTmp[0] ) sTmp = cTmp; // it is double-byte character
       else sTmp = cTmp[1]; // it is single-byte character

       if( sTmp == "," ){
           int nPos = sSrcText.Find( sTmp );
           sSrcText = sSrcText.Left( nPos ) + "???" + sSrcText.Mid( nPos + 1

       ptr = _mbsinc( ptr );


but it only change the first comma. The logic is first I check does the
character is single / double byte then I go on to process it.

How so that it can change all the comma using this logic or combined with

Thank you.

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