Re: std:map

David Wilkinson <>
Wed, 18 Nov 2009 13:57:53 -0500
Fred wrote:

Oups..... forget about this one...
I've just found out were my error was.

In the main.c, I start populating the m_metaData variable in the
following way:
CIAMMetaDataCategory toto1, toto2;

Then I try to add some data to the CatResources variable:
TIntCategoryIt category_it = m_metaData.find(1);
CIAMMetaDataCategory category = category_it->second;

----> Above is the faulty line!!!

Ah yes, you need a reference, right?

CIAMMetaDataCategory& category = category_it->second;

BTW, a simpler way to insert elements in a map is

m_metaData[1] = toto1;
m_metaData[2] = toto2;

You can also use operator [] to extract elements if you know they are there

CIAMMetaDataCategory& category = m_metaData[1];

If the element is absent, a default constructed object is inserted and a
reference to it returned. Unlike operator [] for std::vector, there is no
overloaded version for const objects.

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

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