Re: How to create a dialog in a library

"Tom Serface" <>
Wed, 11 Apr 2007 06:34:03 -0700
Does the DLL have it's own resources or are you expecting to find the
resource in the main application's libary. My guess is that the resource
handle is not set correctly and so IDD_PROPPAGE_DLG may have a valid ID, but
the resource is not actually in the DLL. Did you call
AfxSetResourceHandle() at some point?

It looks like you are creating a non-modal dialog. You may want to try
using a CDialog object to do this as Asm suggests, but I'm not sure that
will fix this problem.

Make sure that IDD_PROPPAGE_DLG is in the actual resources for the DLL.


<> wrote in message

Dear all,

Recently, I need a tricky library (*.lib) which can open a dialog box,
and I have never succeed doing it.

With VC++ 6, I create a library (Use MFC in a Static Library) and a
dialog resource file. Adding following code

HWND dlg_box;

void dbg_dlg_show(void)
DWORD ret;

NULL, (DLGPROC)dbg_dlg_proc);
ret = ::GetLastError();
ShowWindow(dlg_box, SW_SHOW);

The caller is an application with a Windows form and its resource,
that is both library and caller have their resource.
After the caller call ::CreateDialog() function, the function return
NULL value with the error code 1814 (ERROR_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND).

Then how can I find correct resource in the library?
Or what is the correct way to create a dialog box in a library?

Thank you

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