Re: Resource DLLs

"David Webber" <>
Tue, 11 Sep 2007 10:35:15 +0100
"jklioe" <> wrote in message

I have created an application in MFC (Dialog based)and created
satellite dlls in different languages
and I call the dll as follow:

HINSTANCE hInstance = LoadLibrary(_T("MyAppKorean.dll"));


Strings that are in string table displays properly ie in locale
language .

While strings in Dialogs appears in default language ie English .

If your dialogues in the resource DLL are translated, then it should work
as lomng as you are using the right resource handle at the right moment.

I do it as follows (currently with English in the programs resources and
Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish in separate resource DLLs.

I define a class - schematically

class MY_UI

Its constructor uses AfxSetResourceHandle to set the language I want to use
and remembers the previous resource handle (as a class member).

Its destructor uses AfxSetResourceHandle to reset the previous handle.

MY_UI has a member function for each dialogue box in the program, which
handles the dialogue, typically of the form:

BOOL MY_UI::editSomething( SOMETHING &x, CWnd *pParent )
     BOOL bResult(FALSE);

     CDgEditSomething Dlg( x, pParent );

     if( Dlg.DoModal()==IDOK )
          x = Dlg.dgGetResult();
          bResult = TRUE;

     return bResult;

Then it is used with

    MY_UI myui;
    bResult = myui.editSomething( x, pParent )

and it just works. I set it up a year or so ago and have never had to worry
about it since. I only have to remember to use dialogues always from
within a member of MY_UI

David Webber
Author of 'Mozart the Music Processor'
For discussion/support see

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