Re: Resource Editor / direct .RC file edits

"Tom Serface" <>
Sat, 10 Nov 2007 10:49:53 -0800
That's a great idea. I also would like an option where duplicate mnemonic
keys are highlighted without checking from the menu (sort of like spelling
in Word).


"David F." <df2705@community.nospam> wrote in message

Tab may help - thanks.

They should add automatic tab ordering option too - just ask for the first
one and auto select left to right the rest.

"Tom Serface" <> wrote in message

I'm not sure how to handle the problem you're experiencing. I mostly
just change strings and other "easy" things in Notepad, but in the
resource editor you can use the tab key to move from control to control
and, I typically, use the arrow keys (like Shift+Arrow to size and Arrow
to move) when doing these kinds of dialogs. I agree that it would be
nice to select a control and hide it temporarily. Grouping for things
like move and property changes would also be nice.


"David F." <df2705@community.nospam> wrote in message

It's a bit frustrating that directly editing the .rc file causes the
changes to be lost at some point. What are the rules again (how can we
edit .rc file and not have the changes lost)?

It's frustrating because after all these years, you guys still don't
allow me to hide individual controls on the dialog I'm working on in the
resource editor, heck, I could do that when building screens on an
AS/400 dumb terminal.

There are times where available options change based on other
selections, I typically just put in the controls that are needed right
over the top of the ones that wouldn't be then the program shows/hides
as needed. The problem is in the resource editor, you can't get to the
items that are behind other items and I can't cause a control to be
hidden so I can get to the one behind it. Instead, I have to move stuff
somewhere edit, move it back. Please add some new features to your
resource editor (and please provide the rules for editing .rc).


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