"David Ching" <>
Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:28:28 GMT
<> wrote in message

Hello Everybody,

I am unable to load the bitmap image in CListCtrl control. I made
application as follows:

1. Made DLL which contains resources like dialog, bitmap etc. by
having the multiple .rc files in a project.
2. Made a static lib project which contains classes for resources
which are in DLL. This lib is also having a dependency of DLL.
3. Made a 2 Exes which load that lib. It has a dialog which contains
CListCtrl. This control is populated by lib classes.

I am using VS2003. I am getting surprised result when i run two exes.
one exe shows bitmap in CListCtrl but other does not. I am loading the
bitmap in one of the class of static lib using LoadBitmap but it
returns 0 and when i tried to get error code, it gives 1813.

Can anybody help me on this issue?

Thanks in advance.


Error 1813 is, "The specified resource type cannot be found in the image
file. "

It sounds like the wrong resource handle is being used. This is controlled
somewhat by MFC at startup, which looks for a DLL named with the current
locale ID, and if not found, is defaulted to the app .exe itself. If you
want to control it yourself, call AfxSetResourceHandle() at a convenient
place, normally CWinApp::InitInstance() (actually, this method in your
derived class).

-- David

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