Re: UNICODE conversion

"Tom Serface" <>
Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:08:05 -0700
Hi Joe,

This is turning into a C# support forum :o)

I'm working with C# in ASP.NET and I use a globalresources.resx file
paradigm and I can do something like:

String cs = Resources.GlobalResources.MyString;

Which will grab the string from whichever culture file is active (language).
I find this to be even handier than trying to use LoadString() and having to
load the resource DLL's etc. Since my application is running in a browser I
can also just change my preferred language in the browser settings to switch
between languages. Very handy for testing.

I think ToString() is handy, but I seldom use it since it except with
numbers since it ignores the translation mechanism.


"Joseph M. Newcomer" <> wrote in message

Up to a certain point, const declarations and generics will help. But
every once in a
while, having a code-generator integrated into the compiler system is
useful, such as

#define TYPECASE(x) case x: return _T(#x); break

and similar techniques. In the absence of good macros, tricks like this
become difficult,
although the C# ToString function handles the above situation trivially,
it doesn't
generalize to situations such as

#define TYPECASE(x) case x: s.LoadString(IDS_#x); return s

where localization is necessary. Since C# seems to embed all the literals
int he code
instead of in resources, I find this doesn't help a lot (what is the
opposition to dialog
templates, STRINGTABLE, MESSAGETABLE, etc. in C#?)

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