Re: How to recreate the view after loading a document

"AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <AliR@online.nospam>
Mon, 21 Jul 2008 09:57:39 -0500
There are two ways you can update the Controls on a CFormView.

One is to attach value variables to them which is accomplished by putting
DDX_XXXXX function calls in the DoDataExchange for every control you want to
exchange data with. Then you can call CFormView's UpdateData(FALSE) to copy
data from your internal variables into the controls. UpdateData(TRUE); will
copy the data from the controls into your variables.

The other is to attach control variables to your control on the Formview,
and then manually insert the data into the controls.

Attaching variables to the controls (control or value variables) can be done
from within the resource editor, simply load the form view's template, right
click on the control you want to attach a variable to, and select add
variable. You can tell it if you want a Control or Value variable by
selecting it from the Category combobox.


"me" <> wrote in message

Hi, I'm new at MFC of course,

I have an SDI form App with several text boxes that show data
which MyObject holds.
     I have (I think) successfully implemented the serialization
of MyObject to a file back and forth...

    My Question is: When loading data from a file back into

How do I then update my view with that new data?

 What functions do I call and from where when loading a file?

Thanks, Tony C.

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