Re: msvc++ 2005 template question

olli <ob@[removethis]>
Wed, 18 Oct 2006 19:14:55 +0200
this is it:

class eoSelectOne : public eoUF<const eoPop<EOT>&, const EOT&>
     public :
       /// virtual function to setup some population stats (for instance
eoProportional can benefit greatly from this)
       virtual void setup(const eoPop<EOT>& _pop)

and eoPop:

template<class EOT>
class eoPop: public std::vector<EOT>, public eoObject, public eoPersistent


      using std::vector<EOT>::size;
      using std::vector<EOT>::resize;
      using std::vector<EOT>::operator[];
      using std::vector<EOT>::begin;
      using std::vector<EOT>::end;

      typedef typename EOT::Fitness Fitness;
    /** Default ctor. Creates empty pop
    eoPop() : std::vector<EOT>(), eoObject(), eoPersistent() {};

    /** Ctor for the initialization of chromosomes

    @param _popSize total population size
    @param _chromInit Initialization routine, produces EO's, needs to be an
     eoPop( unsigned _popSize, eoInit<EOT>& _chromInit )
      for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _popSize; i++ )

    /** appstd::ends random guys at end of pop.
        Can be used to initialize it pop is empty

    @param _popSize total population size
    @param _chromInit Initialization routine, produces EO's, needs to be an
     void append( unsigned _newPopSize, eoInit<EOT>& _chromInit )
       unsigned oldSize = size();
       if (_newPopSize < oldSize)
      throw std::runtime_error("New size smaller than old size in pop.append");
       if (_newPopSize == oldSize)
       resize(_newPopSize); // adjust the size
       for ( unsigned i = oldSize; i < _newPopSize; i++ )

   /** Ctor from an std::istream; reads the population from a stream,
       each element should be in different lines
       @param _is the stream
   eoPop( std::istream& _is ) :std::vector<EOT>() {
     readFrom( _is );

   /** Empty Dtor */
    virtual ~eoPop() {};

   /// helper struct for getting a pointer
       struct Ref { const EOT* operator()(const EOT& eot) { return &eot;}};
   /// helper struct for comparing on pointers
       struct Cmp {
           bool operator()(const EOT* a, const EOT* b) const
             { return b->operator<(*a); }

     sort the population. Use this member to sort in order
     of descending Fitness, so the first individual is the best!
   void sort(void)
       std::sort(begin(), end(), std::greater<EOT>());

   /** creates a std::vector<EOT*> pointing to the individuals in
descending order */
   void sort(std::vector<const EOT*>& result) const

       std::transform(begin(), end(), result.begin(), Ref());

       std::sort(result.begin(), result.end(), Cmp());

     shuffle the population. Use this member to put the population
     in random order
   void shuffle(void)
     UF_random_generator<unsigned int> gen;
       std::random_shuffle(begin(), end(), gen);

   /** creates a std::vector<EOT*> pointing to the individuals in random
order */
   void shuffle(std::vector<const EOT*>& result) const

       std::transform(begin(), end(), result.begin(), Ref());

       UF_random_generator<unsigned int> gen;
       std::random_shuffle(result.begin(), result.end(), gen);

   /** returns an iterator to the best individual DOES NOT MOVE ANYBODY */
   typename eoPop<EOT>::iterator it_best_element()
     typename eoPop<EOT>::iterator it = std::max_element(begin(), end());
     return it;

   /** returns an iterator to the best individual DOES NOT MOVE ANYBODY */
   const EOT & best_element() const
     typename eoPop<EOT>::const_iterator it = std::max_element(begin(),
     return (*it);

   /** returns a const reference to the worse individual DOES NOT MOVE
   const EOT & worse_element() const
     typename eoPop<EOT>::const_iterator it = std::min_element(begin(),
     return (*it);

   /** returns an iterator to the worse individual DOES NOT MOVE ANYBODY */
   typename eoPop<EOT>::iterator it_worse_element()
     typename eoPop<EOT>::iterator it = std::min_element(begin(), end());
     return it;

   slightly faster algorithm than sort to find all individuals that are
   than the nth individual. INDIVIDUALS ARE MOVED AROUND in the pop.
   typename eoPop<EOT>::iterator nth_element(int nth)
       typename eoPop<EOT>::iterator it = begin() + nth;
       std::nth_element(begin(), it, end(), std::greater<EOT>());
       return it;

   struct GetFitness { Fitness operator()(const EOT& _eo) const { return; } };

   /** returns the fitness of the nth element */
   Fitness nth_element_fitness(int which) const
   { // probably not the fastest way to do this, but what the heck

       std::vector<Fitness> fitness(size());
       std::transform(begin(), end(), fitness.begin(), GetFitness());

       typename std::vector<Fitness>::iterator it = fitness.begin() + which;
       std::nth_element(fitness.begin(), it, fitness.end(),
       return *it;

   /** const nth_element function, returns pointers to sorted individuals
    * up the the nth
   void nth_element(int which, std::vector<const EOT*>& result) const

       std::transform(begin(), end(), result.begin(), Ref());

       typename std::vector<const EOT*>::iterator it = result.begin() +

       std::nth_element(result.begin(), it, result.end(), Cmp());

   /** does STL swap with other pop */
   void swap(eoPop<EOT>& other)
       std::swap(static_cast<std::vector<EOT>& >(*this),
static_cast<std::vector<EOT>& >(other));

    * Prints sorted pop but does NOT modify it!
    * @param _os A std::ostream.
   virtual void sortedPrintOn(std::ostream& _os) const
     std::vector<const EOT*> result;
     _os << size() << '\n';
     for (unsigned i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
    _os << *result[i] << std::endl;

    * Write object. It's called printOn since it prints the object _on_
a stream.
    * @param _os A std::ostream.
   virtual void printOn(std::ostream& _os) const
         _os << size() << '\n';
         std::copy( begin(), end(), std::ostream_iterator<EOT>( _os,
"\n") );

   /** @name Methods from eoObject */
    * Read object. The EOT class must have a ctor from a stream;
    * @param _is A std::istream.
   virtual void readFrom(std::istream& _is)
     size_t sz;
     _is >> sz;


     for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
         operator[](i).readFrom( _is );

   /** Inherited from eoObject. Returns the class name.
       @see eoObject
   virtual std::string className() const {return "eoPop";};

   virtual void invalidate()
     for (unsigned i=0; i<size(); i++)



Alex Blekhman schrieb:

olli wrote:

I have a library which I want to build on msvc++ 2005. however the
compiler generates the following warnings and errors concerning the
following source snippet:

template <class EOT>
class eoSelectivePopulator : public eoPopulator<EOT>
public :

     using eoPopulator< EOT >::src;

     eoSelectivePopulator(const eoPop<EOT>& _pop, eoPop<EOT>& _dest,
eoSelectOne<EOT>& _sel)
         : eoPopulator<EOT>(_pop, _dest), sel(_sel)
         { sel.setup(_pop); };

     /** the select method actually selects one guy from the src pop */
     const EOT& select() {
         return sel(src);


     eoSelectOne<EOT>& sel;

Show us `eoSelectOne' class. It seems that problem is there.


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