Re: How to delete pointers held inside a vector

"David Webber" <>
Mon, 18 Jun 2007 18:13:56 +0100
"ColinG" <> wrote in message

I have a class named MC.

Header contains the following:

struct tCDV
 int intC
 long lngR;
 bool blnE;
 CString strC;
tCDV* p_cDV;

const int BUFF_SIZE;

What value is BUFF_SIZE defined to have?

std::vector<tCDV*> m_cDV;

And where is the bit which says

class MC

Unit contains the following:


Is BUFF_SIZE now a member of MC?

 > MC::Test()

  p_cDV = new tCDV[BUFF_SIZE];

So p_cDV points to an array of tCDV structures...

  p_cDV->intC = cc; //cc initialised elsewhere in program
  p_cDV->lngR = cr; //cr initialised elsewhere in program
  p_cDV->blnE = file.read_bool(); // file.read_bool() initialised
elsewhere in program
  p_cDV->strC = file.read_string(); // file.read_string() initialised
elsewhere in program

....and you have now defined the first one...


....and copied the pointer to it into the first element of your vector.


All the above works fine. My problem is that I receive memory leaks on
program exit and the debugger points to:

   p_cDV = new tCDV[BUFF_SIZE];

You have allocated memory for BUFF_SIZE tCDVs and initilised the first one.
You have copied the pointer to the first one into the vector.

I attempted to iterate through the vector: m_cDV

How do you mean "iterate"? It only has one element!

(via the destructor of class MC), deleting the pointers p_cDV but to no
avail. So, I scrapped the iteration code.

[You need to appreciate the difference between deleting an object and
deleting a pointer.]

You only defined one pointer to an array. The only way to get rid of it is

delete [] p_cDV ;

Do NOT try and destroy the first element by using the destructor on the
first object in your vector (and deleting the pointer to the first object
will not help). Which means do NOT try to delete the vector!

Please can someone assist me in resolving this problem.

I think you need to resolve the difference bertween a standard array, and
what a vector class does.

With vector you define each element individually and then add it to the
vecor with push_back. You don't need a normal array as well. Unless you
have a good reason, you don't need to use a vector of pointers to objects,
but a vector of objects.

Hope this points you in the right direction.

David Webber
Author of 'Mozart the Music Processor'
For discussion/support see

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