Re: How to delete pointers held inside a vector
"ColinG" <> wrote in message
Thanks David for your reply however, I am attempting to eliminate memory
leaks relating to:
p_cDV = new tCDV;
which is contained with a loop hence reason for using a vector to stored
p_cDV during each processing of the loop.
Don't!!!! Everything you allocate memory for with new, you have to free
with delete. If you do it in aloop you'll probaby lose them all so you
cant delet them.
Consider as a model:
class MyClass
std::vector<MyClass> array;
MyClass x;
for( int n=0; n<10; n++ )
//.... fill in x here with the n'th set of data.
array.push_back( x );
// The above statement creates a copy of x and stores it in the
// So you can use the same x above to fill in the next one's values.
It's very simple - no new, no delete, and no memory leaks.
David Webber
Author of 'Mozart the Music Processor'
For discussion/support see
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