Re: Function in header file - newbie VC++/CLI

"Jacek" <>
Tue, 3 Jul 2007 23:48:25 +0200
U?ytkownik "Duane Hebert" <> napisa? w wiadomo?ci

"Jacek" <> wrote in message

U?ytkownik "Duane Hebert" <> napisa? w wiadomo?ci

"Jacek" <> wrote in message

Code in above post works good.but in next post with header file don't
Sorry for my english ;)

Sorry but I'm not that familliar with c++/cli.

Maybe a link like this:

What book are you using?

This is my real problem not from book.
Thanks for reply and link. I have to learn more about this->

No, I'm wondering which book(s) you're using to learn
c++.(or c++/cli) It seems that you're confused about class structure
and member functions etc. Using the this pointer directly
doesn't actually seem to be your problem. You'd get the same
errors anyway. As I said, I don't know c++/cli but the
errors you post seem to be the same as you would get
in c++ with the same code.

Typically, in c++ at any rate, we would use
a header file to declare a class and its members
and a corresponding cpp file to define them. In the
cpp file you refer to the class's functions by using the
class's namespace.

In you case, a sort of example in c++ could be something like


class Form1 {

       void Status(std::string Message);



#include "form1.h"
Form1::Form1() {
   // whatever in your constructor

void Form1::Status(std::string Message) {

   Message = "hello world";
   //do something here


So you declare the class in the header and
do the implementation in the cpp file. Then
you create an instace of it, somewhere and use

Thanks for explaination Duane. I'll print your post and hang on the wall to
remember it ;)
 I read several books and many websites but not carefully I think. I learn
c++ just about 3 weeks.
I know your way to construct header . I read about it today and in first
post i try use something like this.
I'll try tommorow resolve this problem .
Thanks for advice.

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