Re: move vector into list

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Sun, 30 Apr 2006 16:06:18 -0400
levent wrote:

Is it possible (with STL) to move the contents of a vector into a

Don't you mean, "copy"? You can either copy using 'std::copy' function
or by initialising your list from the pair of iterators.

Obviously this would be a linear complexity operation (number of
elements in vector), but is it possible to do this w/o copy
constructing every element into list and destructing the vector

No, it is not, without relying heavily on the implementation details
of both containers. Standard list container has very specific data
requirement: all its elements are independent and should be able to
be destroyed separately. Even if you manage to pass addresses of the
vector elements to the list nodes, as soon as those elements will be
removed from the list, you will get in trouble because a vector keeps
its data in a dynamic array (most likely), and in a dynamic array all
elements are interdependent and cannot be deallocated separately.

Or, if you think this is a bad question, why is it so? (comments on
this would really help)

This not not a bad question.

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