Re: 'Looping' an std::list
In article <>,
"esuvs" <> wrote:
Hi, I would like to change the behavior of the std::list so that if I
set an iterator to the last element and increment it I would like it to
point to the first element, and vice vesa. That is, i would like to use
it as a circular buffer.
Is this possble? Given that the linked list is probably just a set of
nodes and 'next' pointers it doesn't seem unreasonable (just set the
last pointer to point at the start) but I suspect the std::list is to
safe/robust to allow me to abuse it in this way...
Be great if someone could prove me wrong :-D Otherwise is there an
STL/Boost container giving this behaviour? I think i could do it with
boost::graph but seems a bit of a heavyweight solution.
I posted the below back in March... (Pieter Pareit seems to have posted
something very much like it back in Jan of 2002.)
You can use the circular_iterator on any of the standard containers. The
code below does need some fleshing out (for eg: post-increment and
decrement, operator->() and const dereference operators) but the below
is enough for most uses.
? ?template < typename Container >
class circular_iterator_t : public std::iterator<
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?typename Container::iterator::iterator_category,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?typename Container::iterator::value_type >
? ?Container& rep;
? ?typename Container::iterator loc;
? ?explicit circular_iterator_t( Container& container ):
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?rep( container ), loc( container.begin() ) { }
? ?circular_iterator_t( Container& container,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?typename Container::iterator it ):
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?rep( container ), loc( it ) { }
? ?typename Container::value_type& operator*() {
? ? ? return *loc;
? ?}
? ?circular_iterator_t& operator--() {
? ? ? if ( loc == rep.begin() )
? ? ? ? ?loc = --rep.end();
? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ?--loc;
? ? ? return *this;
? ?}
? ?circular_iterator_t& operator++() {
? ? ? ++loc;
? ? ? if ( loc == rep.end() )
? ? ? ? ?loc = rep.begin();
? ? ? return *this;
? ?}
? ?friend bool operator==( const circular_iterator_t& lhs,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?const circular_iterator_t& rhs ) {
? ? ? return lhs.rep == rhs.rep && lhs.loc == rhs.loc;
? ?}
? ?template < typename Container >
bool operator!=( const circular_iterator_t<Container>& lhs,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?const circular_iterator_t<Container>& rhs ) {
? ?return !( lhs == rhs );
? ?template < typename Container >
circular_iterator_t<Container> circular_iterator( Container& container )
? ?return circular_iterator_t<Container>( container );
? ?template < typename Container >
circular_iterator_t<Container> circular_iterator( Container& container,
typename Container::iterator it ) {
? ?return circular_iterator_t<Container>( container, it );