Re: STL List problem

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Wed, 25 Apr 2007 18:41:03 -0400
John wrote:

Hi everyone I need help with the Standard Template Librarys List
class. All I am trying to do is push a Cat object onto it and the
copying it back off of it into another cat object. It seems like it
should be simple but for me its not. I am using dev C++ for this
program. Anyhelp will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Here is my source code:
// main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "cat.h"
#include <list>

using namespace std;
int main() {
 Cat catObj;
 Cat catObjfromList;
 list<Cat> catL;


 cout << "The cats age is --> " << catObj.getAge() << endl;

 copy(catL.begin(), catL.begin(), &catObjfromList);

What do you expect this to do? Copy from begin() to (but not including)
begin() means copy _nothing_. The simplest way to get the very first
element of the container is to call 'front()':

   catObjfromList = catL.front();

or dereference the iterator returned by 'begin()':

   catObjfromList = *catL.begin();

 cout << catObjfromList.getAge() << endl; // does not get age.

 return 0;

// cat.cpp

#include "cat.h"

         age_ = 0;

void Cat::setAge(const int age)
                 age_ = age;

int Cat::getAge() const
   return age_;

// cat.h

#ifndef CATH
#define CATH

class Cat
            void setAge(const int age);
            int getAge() const;
             int age_;

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