Re: Syntactical issue: should STL list Iterator be overloaded to a pointer to the current element?

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Tue, 11 Sep 2007 16:11:55 -0400
Olumide wrote:

To begin with, I'm no STL expert. I've only just begun to use and
appreciate the power of STL.

Okay, so I have a list:

   list<int> myLuckyNumbers;
   list<int>::iterator intList_Iterator = myLuckyNumbers->begin();

   while( intList_Iterator != myLuckyNumbers->end() )
       int *integerPointer = &(*intList_Iterator);


In order to get a pointer to each element of the list, I need to use
the unintuitive expression, &(*intList_Iterator). My worry is that
because the dereference (*) and "address of" (&) operators, cancel
each other,

It's a misconception. The dereference operator does not cancel the
address-of operator. They can (and the dereference is) overloaded
for the iterator object. No canceling occurs.

shouldn't intList_Iterator be interpreted as a pointer to
a int, if assigned to an int?

Also, is there a better way getting the pointer to the current in in
the list?

Better? In what way "better"?

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