Re: filtering items in a container

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Sat, 27 Oct 2007 08:37:26 GMT
On 2007-10-27 10:19, Anonymous wrote:

I am trying to write a filtering algorithm without reinventing the
wheel. I basically want to select items in a container that have a
certain 'property' - i.e. satisfy a certain criteria - to be provided by
a predicate function.

In pseudocode, it would look something like this:

template <class T1 /*container type*/, typename T2/* type held in
T1<T2> filter(const T1<T2>& source, PredicateFunctor func)
    T1<T2> filtered_output ;
    std::for_each(source.begin(), source.end(), func());
    //somehow append those matching to variable filtered_output
    return filtered_output ;

The idea is so that I could use such an algorithm to filter or 'select'
items that match certain criteria from an STL container - e.g. a vector
or map of objects.

if there is an existing STL algo that does that - or you can thing of a
better way of doing (implementing) this, please let me know

Sounds like remove_copy_if().

Erik Wikstr??m

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