Re: How to find a STL class size?
On Oct 31, 7:26 pm, "" <>
How to find a STL class size, for example: string. I would like to
know what the size of the implementation of this class, I am not
interested in the size of its object but the class itself. There are
discussion regarding addition of all the data member of the class/
structure to find out its size, but is there a neat way to find out
class' size?
I'm afraid I don't understand the question: formally, only
objects have size, not classes. So do you want to know:
-- the actual size of the object: sizeof will give you that,
-- the total memory used by the object: this will depend
enormously on the implementation, and will probably vary
from one object to the next, or
-- the memory used by the class, independently of any
instances---this is also very, very implementation
dependent, and may also depend on which functions you use in
the class.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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