Re: STL map or hash map using struct as data and find it

James Kanze <>
Tue, 1 Jan 2008 03:05:38 -0800 (PST)
On Dec 31 2007, 4:20 pm, kl <> wrote:

On 31 Dec, 15:52, James Kanze <> wrote:

On Dec 31, 1:51 pm, kl <> wrote:

On 31 Dec, 13:21, James Kanze <> wrote:

On Dec 31, 11:48 am, kl <> wrote:


I will improve the the structure or even add it into a class
(try to avoid that as it is very simple lookup table with one
purpose of function to translate an ip address to a country).
However the structure is working fine currently and has worked fine
for while

There's nothing necessarily wrong with using a struct here; as I
explained, given your performance considerations, and the fact
that the table is not updated once initialized, I'd seriously
consider a using a C style array of POD struct and memory
mapping it. With the precautions that I explained, to avoid

but of course improvments can be done and I'm open to support
cross platforms had some plans to port my app to Linux one day
and it is today a Windows app but I don't want use any
Microsoft propertiary classes such as MFC or other stuff hence
that's why I'm looking into STL.

Isn't DWORD a Microsoftism? I've never seen it used on a Unix
machine. (In fact, the only place I've seen it used in real
code, other than in the Windows API, is on IBM mainframes and on
the old Interdata 8/32. Where it was an 8 byte entity.)

More generally: unless the struct consists entirely of char and
char[] (possibly signed or unsigned), you'll have to consider
that if you write it as a binary memory image, you'll only be
able to read it as a binary memory image with the same program
which wrote it (or a program compiled with exactly the same
compiler, compiler version and options). From what I
understand, this is probably an acceptable restriction. Whether
it is worth the bother depends on the application; if you're
writing a server that is started once per day, or less
frequently, it's probably not worth the bother---reparsing the
CVS each start-up is not an issue. If its a small service
application, invoked each time it is used, start-up definitely
is an issue, and using the binary memory image is definitly the
way to go. Even if you don't use memory mapping, a single read
for the entire table will be a lot faster than any other
solution (and is very simple as well).

It is developed in C but consider to port it over to C++ as it
is a more modern and...

That explains the use of FILE*:-).

(Honestly, for this level of I/O, I'd define a very slim wrapper
around the basic system level functions, and use it. You'd have
to port it to Linux, but neither FILE* nor iostream are really
designed for effective binary I/O.)

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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