Re: Experiences with HP aC++ or Sun Studio C++?
On 9 mai, 23:16, Ian Collins <> wrote:
James Kanze wrote:
On May 8, 10:10 pm, Ian Collins <> wrote:
I've not experience with anything later than SunStudio 11, but
with that, while the compiler is fairly good (although not quite
as good as g++), both of the libraries available with it are, to
put it mildly, junk, with any number of serious errors which
need work arounds.
I don't consider STLport to be junk.
I've run into quite a few bugs with it. More even than the
Rogue Wave library that is the default. But compared to the
Dinkumware library or g++, they're both at a distinctly lower
level. (To be fair to Rogue Wave and the STL port, I don't
think that the versions Sun distributes are the latest.)
If you want maximum portability, check with more than one
Or use the same compiler everywhere:-). The simplest way to
achieve portability is just to standardize on g++. As far
as I can tell (and I've a fair amount of experience in the
question), this has no real disadvantages for Unix
platforms: the native compilers will typically optimize a
bit better, but most applications don't need that extra
performance. As for the tools, vim or emacs and GNU make
are the same for both as well (and GNU make ensures a more
or less portable build environment as well---writing
portable makefiles is more difficult than writing portable
I was talking about the profiler, debugger and support tools
like lock_lint, not the editors. GNU make lacks (or at least
used to lack) decent support for distributed building,
something I've fond very useful over the years.
Hmmm. I think you're right about that. On the other hand, we
need to be portable to both Solaris and Linux: the easiest way
to be sure that the make file is portable is to use the same
make everywhere (and GNU make has a lot of features for writing
makefiles, which Sun make doesn't).
As for the other tools, we use them so rarely that it really
doesn't matter.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
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