Re: Unary functor on algorithm using copy constructor

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Tue, 08 Jul 2008 19:10:30 +0200
* Dijkstra:

Hi folks!

First, this is the code I'm using to expose the problem:

#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct space_comparer : public unary_function<char, bool> {

    mutable argument_type __lastChar;

        __lastChar = 'X';
        cout << "ctor() called and lastChar is '" << __lastChar << "'" <<

    space_comparer(const space_comparer &__src)
        cout << "copy ctor() called setting lastChar to 'Y'" << endl;
        __lastChar = 'Y';

    result_type operator ()(const argument_type c) const
        cout << "[" << __lastChar << " | " << c << "]" << endl;
        __lastChar = c;
        return ::isspace(c);


    string cad1;
    string cad2;

    const space_comparer instance;

    cad1 = "cpp";

    remove_copy_if(cad1.begin(), cad1.end(), back_inserter(cad2),
instance );
    remove_copy_if(cad1.begin(), cad1.end(), back_inserter(cad2),
instance );
    remove_copy_if(cad1.begin(), cad1.end(), back_inserter(cad2),
instance );

    return 0;

OK, so the meaning of all that is to use a unary function with a
persistent "state", so that the "space_comparer" works by using
previous values. My problem is that the "remove_copy_if" algorithm,
and I think all algorithms, use a copy.

I mean, suppose this call:

    remove_copy_if(cad1.begin(), cad1.end(), back_inserter(cad2),
space_comparer() );

This works by constructing a new "space_comparer" functor object and
using its instance for all the algorithm lifetime. What I like to do
is use an actual instance as the predicate, so that it can mantain a
state across algorithm calls.

    remove_copy_if(cad1.begin(), cad1.end(), back_inserter(cad2),
instance );

I supposed the above call would reuse the "instance" of the object
functor, which indeed does. But it does a temporary copy of the object
and it works with it, leaving the original instance untouched. The
output of the above code is:

ctor() called and lastChar is 'X'
copy ctor() called setting lastChar to 'Y'
[Y | c]
[c | p]
[p | p]
copy ctor() called setting lastChar to 'Y'
[Y | c]
[c | p]
[p | p]
copy ctor() called setting lastChar to 'Y'
[Y | c]
[c | p]
[p | p]

But, the expected output needs to be like this:

ctor() called and lastChar is 'X'
[X | c]
[c | p]
[p | p]
[p | c] <<--- Note previous state of "lastChar"
[c | p]
[p | p]
[p | c] <<--- Note previous state of "lastChar"
[c | p]
[p | p]

I don't know if this is at all possible. I already tried with
"mem_func" and such techniques, but to no avail...

Please, I'm not so STL literate, so bear with me. :-)

In ze functor, uze zomezing zat referz to ze external ztate, e.g. a pointer or a
reference or even (gasp!) using a global or static directly.

Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf

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