Re: How to stl library efficiently?

=?UTF-8?B?RXJpayBXaWtzdHLDtm0=?= <>
Mon, 18 Aug 2008 14:55:10 CST
On 2008-08-17 20:52, Peng Yu wrote:

On Aug 10, 11:28 am, red floyd <> wrote:

Peng Yu wrote:


I came across some discussion on that improper usage stl library could
make program performance bad. Some tips are trivial, such as using the
appropriate algorithm, choosing the best data structure (say, vector
vs. list).

I'm wondering whether are less obvious tricks to make stl based
program performance as good as the hard coded C program?

Get Scott Meyer's "Effective STL".

It seems that it is a little bit outdated. For example, it mentioned
auto_ptr, but people usually use boost::shared_ptr. I'm wondering what
are the things that have been changed since the book was written.

Nothing, the C++ standard has not been update since then. On the other
hand a number of new libraries have been developed and evolved since
then (such as boost), but none of them are part of the C++ standard.
Work on the next version of the C++ standard is ongoing the new version
(which contains something like boost::shared_ptr, and much more) will
hopefully be out in 2009, but it will take a while longer until
compilers and libraries support the new stuff.

Erik Wikstr??m

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