Re: STL container question

Rolf Magnus <>
Wed, 01 Oct 2008 21:47:45 +0200
Erik Wikstr??m wrote:

On 2008-10-01 18:57, Rolf Magnus wrote:

Jeff Schwab wrote:

Boltar wrote:

I need to store a number of integer values which I will then search on
later to see if they exist in my container. Can someone tell me which
container would be quickest for finding these values? I can't use a
plain C array (unless I make it 2^32 in size!) since I don't know the
max integer value.

Sorted vector. See Effective STL, Item 23.

For the record, you wouldn't 2^32 integers, just 2^32 bits = 500 MiB.
It's actually not that much RAM, depending on your target system, and
would let you check for integers with O(1) complexity (rather than O(log

However, it can still be slower, since it's more or less the worst thing
you can do to the cache.

Still, you should only get one cache-miss when looking for a value, if
you use a set or vector you will probably get more.

If you only do a single look-up, yes. But in that case, building up an array
of 500 Megabytes will take a quite significant amount of time. ;-)

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