Re: Unicode to characters

James Kanze <>
Tue, 7 Oct 2008 04:07:39 -0700 (PDT)
On Oct 7, 12:08 pm, (Pascal J. Bourguignon)

KK <> writes:

There could be flavors of this question discussed in the
past, but I could not really make a head/tail out of it.

I have bunch of unicode values stored in a string array and
I want to see the corresponding characters displayed in an
excel file. How could I go about doing that ?

vector<string> unicodevalues; // has values 0041, 0042, ... 0410 etc.

If you are refering to std::string, then it's a
std::basic_string<char> so you only get bytes.

If, as it is most probable, your CHAR_BITS==8, then you can
only store the codes of ISO-8859-1 characters in these

Nonsense. I regularly use char for Unicode (UTF-8) and ISO
8859-15; in other places, other ISO 8859 codes, or JIS are also
used. Not to mention various Windows (and earlier MS-DOS) code
pages, or EBCDIC (which is still used, in 8 bit bytes, on IBM

Still, I don't know what he really has or wants. Some posters
seem to think that he has a textual representation of the
unicode code values, e.g. strings like "0041". Which seems
wierd to me, but who knows.

(hexa decimal values)
for 0041 (assumes hex) I should see alphabet 'A' , a 'B' for
0042 ... special character corresponding to 0x410.

0x410 is not the unicode for a special character. It's the

Well, that's a special character to me:-). I certainly don't
use it very often.

I could live with a comma separated .csv file instead of a
.xls to view it in excel.

I would advise you to get a better understanding of characters, codes,
the STL, I/O, files. Start reading:


The best reference I know about these issues is "Fonts and
Encoding", by Yannis Haralambous. (I've not seen the English
translation---I hope it's better than the translations of
English into French we usually get.) And of course, he'll also
need to find out about Excel. But I'd be very surprised if it
didn't have an option for reading UTF-8, at least in CSV.
(Alternatively, he could use UTF-16LE; I think that's the native
code set under Windows.)

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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