Re: disadvantages of using STL

James Kanze <>
Sat, 21 Mar 2009 07:25:25 -0700 (PDT)
On Mar 21, 11:52 am, "Tony" <> wrote:

"James Kanze" <> wrote in message


On Mar 18, 12:30 am, Victor Bazarov <>

James Kanze wrote:

On Mar 17, 9:31 pm, Pallav singh <> wrote:

Q What are the disadvantages of using STL ?

Compared to what?

I thought it was "compared to *not* using it"... <g> I mean,
what is the alternative of "using"?

"Yes, but... Not using it how? If the alternative being
considered is not using any containers, or any algorithms...
if you can easily do that, then the STL is just so much extra
baggage (as is any other container library you can think of).
If the alternative being considered is to implementing your
own libraries, the STL has distinct disadvantages when it
comes to job security (if you role your own, it will take a
lot longer to implement the application, and if you do it
cleverly enough, you'll be the only person who can maintain
the code), but I can't think of any others. If you're
comparing it to the Java collections, of course, the STL has
some very distinct disadvantages if you're programming in Java
(it doesn't work in Java), but just the reverse is true (for
the same reason) if you're programming in C++. If you're
comparing it to OSE, it's not as cleanly designed or as easy
to use, but it's more complete, and above all, it's standard,
so new programmers on the project can be expected to already
be familiar with it.

And so on. Depending on the alternative you are considering,
the disadvantages will vary. In all be exceptional cases,
however, they won't be enough to outweigh the advantage of it
being standard."

You're assuming that because STL is complex and difficult to
understand immediately that all alternatives are so also.

It would help if you could read English, or would at least read
the message you're responding to. I'm not assuming anything,
except that I'm working on a professional project, with other
people. I'm certainly not assuming that alternatives to the STL
have to be as complicated and as poorly designed as it is: I've
used many class libraries where that wasn't the case. And I've
certainly implemented library components every bit as reliable
as the usual implementations of the STL.

None of which has anything to do with the advantages of being

Probably also assuming that nothing can be as reliable or
perform as adequately as STL. All wrong assumptions. And what
good is a developer who can't implement say a linked list?
Moreso, what good is a development house or department that
can't? "Standard" an asset?

Obviously, you're not an engineer, and have never had to
develop software that could be maintained by other people.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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