Re: std::sort (AGAIN)

SG <>
Tue, 26 May 2009 05:34:10 -0700 (PDT)
On 25 Mai, 23:06, none <n...@none.none> wrote:

SG wrote:

It's not clear whether this is supposed to be a static or non-static
member function. You're accessing some array called m_sort_parameters
which could be a global array or a member of my_class objects.

Yes, m_sort_parameters is a member of "my_class." And this is why I ha=

ve a

problem. I don't want to make m_sort_parameters global, because there =


be multiple instances (objects) of my_class.

In case this is a non-static member and m_sort_parameters is a member
of *this you risk having an inconsistent order. The sort parameters
should not be part of the elements.

This is exactly the case. So what is the safe, "STL-style" solution? =


Maybe I can make the problem more simple:

Write a special class for these "sort parameters", move your
comparison function from my_class to this comparator class, and use an
object as last parameter for std::sort.

You might want to consider replacing the switch with a form of runtime
polymorphism. (i.e. keep a list of function pointers instead an array
of enums).


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