Re: practice STL

Alan Woodland <>
Fri, 10 Jul 2009 16:23:14 +0100
Juha Nieminen wrote:

Darshan wrote:

Can anyone suggest a good practice to learn and practice C++ STL?

  Impletent std::list from scratch. If after that you don't understand
STL inside and out, I don't know how you will.

  (Ok, maybe it is a bit too laborious of an exercise. But I have
learned quite a lot by doing that.)

A more practical suggestion might be force yourself to:

1) Never use arrays, use STL containers instead
2) Use <algorithm>, <numeric> whenever you want to do anything with an
STL container. Use <functional> too here probably.

The single thing that most improved my knowledge of the STL (which is
still lacking in quite a few areas, I know) was using <algorithm>
instead of rolling my own every time. I found this to be helpful in
moving me away from C (and Java) style thinking more generally too. For
the most part it's quite useful once you learn to realise when it's
appropriate or not. It did push me towards boost though several times
though as well!


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