Re: Different treatment of the NodeType of LinkedList in C++ and Java

James Kanze <>
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 03:22:44 -0700 (PDT)
On Oct 29, 7:33 am, Dave Searles <> wrote:

peter koch wrote:

On 28 Okt., 22:14, "" <> wrote:

I am a student who is taking the data structure course.
When we are learning the data structure LinkedList, I
noticed that Java and C++ treated the type of the node of
Linkedlist differently.

In STL, C++ actually publishes the typed of list_node:

Nit: I assume you mean the standard C++ library. STL is a
nonstandard library probably not used very much anymore.

STL isn't nonstandard according to the Word of God
(Stroustrup's The C++ Programming Language).

STL means different things to different people. The acronym
stands for "Standard Template Library"; Stepanov chose it before
there was a standard C++ library. In current use, it can mean
Stepanov's original library (without the changes introduced by
the standard, but with some parts not adopted by the standard),
the parts of the C++ standard library derived from Stepanov's
work, or simply the C++ standard library.

In this case, the fact that the "exposed" name begins with two
underscores is a strong indication that it is strictly part of
the implementation, or perhaps an extension, but is not part of
the standard.

James Kanze

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