Re: operator overloading ==

"Daniel T." <>
Fri, 5 Mar 2010 04:54:21 CST
A <> wrote:

I am writing a "vector" class. I know about the STL but I prefer to
use this as I use this to create a "matrix" class later. I read that
using the inbuilt STL to create a matrix is not the best way to do it.

Nonsense. Using a vector of vectors to create a matrix is a bad idea,
but then so is using a vec of vecs. Using a singe vector to represent a
Matrix is a fine idea.

    template < typename T, typename rep_type = typename std::vector< T > >
class Matrix
    typedef typename rep_type::size_type size_type;
    typedef typename rep_type::reference reference;
    typedef typename rep_type::const_reference const_reference;

    Matrix( size_type w, size_type h ):
       _width( w ), _height( h ), _rep( w * h ) { }

    size_type width() const { return _width; }
    size_type height() const { return _height; }

    reference at( size_type x, size_type y ) {
       if ( x >= _width || y >= _height )
          throw std::out_of_range( "Matrix::at(size_type, size_type)" );
       return _rep[ x * _width + y ];

    const_reference at( size_type x, size_type y ) const {
       if ( x >= _width || y >= _height )
          throw std::out_of_range
                         ( "Matrix::at(size_type, size_type) const" );
       return _rep[ x * _width + y ];

    void swap( Matrix& m ) {
       std::swap( _width, m._width );
       std::swap( _height, m._height );
       _rep.swap( m._rep );

    typename rep_type::size_type _width, _height;
    rep_type _rep;

Then you can:

Matrix<int> myIntMatrix(4, 4); // a 4 x 4 matrix

int value =, 2); // access a location, 2) = 12; // assign to a location

The above should get you started in the right direction. Note that this
can use a deque in its guts if you want it to.

At the moment, the class "vec" looks like this.
template <class T>
class vec {
         int length;
         T *v;
         explicit vec(int n);
         vec(const T &a, int n);
         vec(const T *a, int n);
         vec(const vec &cpy);
         vec & operator=(const vec &equate);
         vec & operator=(const T &a);
         inline T & operator[](const int i);
         inline const T & operator[](const int i) const;
         inline int size() const;


Now, I want to overload the operator == in this way. It should accept
a value (type T) say "val", and check through all the entries of this
vector say "v1" and return another vector of type bool, which has
"false" where v1 != val and "true" where v1 == val. I managed to write
it this way...

member function:
vec<bool> operator==(const T &a) const;

the code definition is:
template <class T>
vec<bool> operator==(const T &a) const {
     vec<bool> tmp(false,length);
     for(int i=0; i<length; i++) {
         if(v[i] == a) {
             tmp[i] = true;
     return tmp;


This works great, but I would like to return the reference instead of
the whole vector and would like to know how to do it. I am unable to
make use of the "this" pointer as I am returning a "local vector". I
would appreciate any help with this. thank you!

What you wrote is cool and all, but it not a good idea. op== have very
specific semantics and when you use something odd like this, things get
dicey for people trying to use your class and other code that expects
op== to work a particular way. Better would be to make a named function
that does this job.

That said, in order to return a const reference. The vector<bool> has to
live longer than the function and that means it would have to be a
member-variable of the class or something like that. However, that is
problematic because op== might get called multiple times with different
values on the right hand side and then what do you do?

I suggest you let the function return the vector<bool> and be happy. The
compiler will probably optimize out the apparent extra copy. If you
profile your product and find that the time spent calling this function
is a bottleneck, you might be able to save some time by adding a
non-const reference to the parameter list:

void vec<T>::values_equal(const T& a, vector<bool>& result);

Then load up the 'result' parameter with the proper values. The calling
code can hopefully reuse the result parameter and thereby possibly
reduce runtime. (Note all the qualifiers.)

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      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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